
I would like to take this opportunity to address some of the myths concerning homosexuality that are daily force fed to the public by a disproportionally vocal homosexual minority and a cooperative media.  Of course, this will earn one a label somewhere between “Hitlerian” and “Homophobe. ”  (By the way, the true original meaning of Homophobe in the clinical literature is one who fears becoming a homosexual.)

I challenge any homosexual to provide me with any scientific data substantiating a genetic or biological basis for homosexuality.  In all of the scientific literature, there is none.  Men and women continue to look for same-sex attachment and bonding with their mothers and fathers through others.  The problem is, sex never will fulfill the unmet needs of childhood.  The American Psychiatric Association saw this clearly for decades and until 1973 classified homosexuality as a pathological disorder.  Dr. Robert Spitzer of Columbia university was the man most instrumental in this change.  He now recognizes that it was made in the absence of true scientific data, yet his efforts to address the issue are being ignored by the American Psychiatric Association.  Is this what science has come to in American academia?

Now we are being told via the introduction of “Hate Crime Legislation” that there are elements of American society that cannot be legally criticized.  This is thought-control, plain and simple!  It says that you will be punished not only for what you do, but for what you were thinking when you did it!  It creates divisions of Americans into categories more or less worthy of protection under the law based on their beliefs, even if that belief is a purely religious one.  This is the position a Christian finds himself in following the dictates of both Scripture and conscience in speaking against the perversion of homosexuality.  (We would do well to bear in mind that the dictionary definition of “perversion” is to “use something for other than its intended purpose.”)

Fortunately, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania  came down in favor of free speech in a 3-0 vote on this issue, perhaps establishing a long-overdue precedent.  Activist homosexuals were soundly defeated.  The court ruled that a college anti-harassment policy was a violation of the free speech of Christians speaking out against homosexuality.  Homosexuals have worked tirelessly to criminalize any legitimate criticism of their behavior as a health risk and a perversion of normal and natural sexual behavior.

Perhaps America is now on its way to a day when Christians and others espousing traditional and family values will not have to check their civil rights and guarantees of free speech at the schoolhouse and other public doors.  Maybe the day will even someday arrive when homosexuals will be able to face their critics without feeling the need to vilify  them.   If one desires an identity based on the act of sodomy, that is their right.  It is also my right to identify that lifestyle as immoral and perverse based on the clear teachings of my religion.  The two principal authors of the defining text of the Judaeo-Christian faith, Moses and the Apostle Paul,  have described homosexuality respectively as “an abomination” and “vile affections.”

Civil rights is a two way street in America, a fact that the courts have thankfully begun to understand.  I will not cede my civil rights as a Christian and an American to a vocal, oppressive, hateful and intolerant homosexual minority.  Those who speak out against homosexuality are routinely branded as “hateful.”  No, I am just expressing 6,000 year old, traditional religious beliefs and the dictates of my conscience.  A “lifestyle” based on two men engaging in anal sex is anything but “gay” to me.  This is repulsive and abhorent to most Americans.  It is like a cake with a beautifully decorated layer of frosting and other adornments, but whose content was scooped out of a broken garbage disposal.  Homosexuality cannot be made palatable to the American people, so it has been presented for forty years as something far different from what it is: an aberration of foundational Judaeo-Christian morality dishonestly presented to the world as a morally and socially valid alternative lifestyle.  Homosexuality is a sick and perverted choice daily destroying and condemning souls precious to God whose redemption awaits them if they would but turn to God.

Jerry D. Kaifetz, Ph.D.

About Jerry Kaifetz

Christian author, c.e.o. Omega Chemical Corp.
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2 Responses to Homosexuality

  1. “I challenge any homosexual to provide me with any scientific data substantiating a genetic or biological basis for homosexuality. In all of the scientific literature, there is none.”

    I challenge any heterosexual to provide me with any scientific data substantiating a genetic or biological basis for heterosexuality. In all of the scientific literature, there is none.

    Your logic is so sophomoric. Let’s go back a couple hundred years. In 1819, could anyone provide scientific data substantiating a genetic or biological basis for anything? No? According to your logic, if a person cannot scientifically explain something, then that something must be wrong.

    Also, why do you resort to science to justify your beliefs about this subject, yet reject science when it comes to evolution? That is called “cherry-picking,” Jerry. You embrace the parts of science that seem to support your position, and villify those part of science, which do not support your position.

    Please explain.

    • I ABSOLUTELY do not reject science when it comes to Evolution. There are dozens and dozens of books out by highly credentialed scientists using science to disprove Evolution: NO INTERMEDIARY SPECIES! You have a lot of homework to do.

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