God, You’re FIRED!

[Written circa mid-1980’s]

Our country has undergone a seemingly indescribable degeneration of moral values in recent decades, the result of which seem to occupy the fist ten minutes of every evening’s local and national news broadcasts.  The clearly distinguishable upswing in violent crime in the last thirty years (up 544%), sexually transmitted diseases (up 226%), unwed teenage others (up 553%), divorce rates (up 117%), and SAT scores (down 9%), all began their swings in the very same year. The year was 1963.  Prior to 1963 violent crime was growing only at the rate of population growth. Divorce rates were actually declining.  Teenage pregnancies had declined slightly between 1961 and 1963, as had sexually transmitted diseases.  S.A.T., scores had taken a noticeable upturn in that same period. Then, as if on cue, everything began to change at the precise same time –1963.

What is significant about 1963? The year 1963 clearly marks the point in our nation’s history in which religious principles were officially separated from public life in America.  That is the year in which the Supreme Court made the decision for all of us that God was not longer welcome in our public schools. It became a violation of federal law to pray in schools. America fired God!

Up until 1963 graphs charting the progress of all the moral indicators listed above exhibited a very gentle slope. They kept pace with population growth, and little more. Before 1963 it was safe to let your children play in public places.  Child abduction was unheard of in mainstream America, as an epidemic of drug abuse,  mass killings in public places, rampant alcoholism, divorce as the norm, AIDS, and the epidemic of violent crime that now grips our land.  The interesting and unmistakable element in all of this is this strikingly clear line of demarcation from relative peace to moral anarchy. The climb began out of the plains of serenity that characterized life in America three decades ago to the peaks of statistical horror, chronicled nightly on out televisions at a strikingly precise moment in time: 1963!

In 1963 we outlawed the moral compass that had kept America on its charted course for over  two hundred years.  We denied our moral heritage and rewrote American history to fit the agenda of the Leftist types who did not in the least represent the views of grassroots America. We forgot that America had a religious underpinning, and that our nation’s founding fathers were deeply religious men. We deliberately obscured the fact that they had looked to God for guidance in the critical days of America’s birth and infancy.  We forgot, for instance, that George Washington had said, “It is impossible to govern without God and the Bible.” We tore out the page of history where Abraham Lincoln had written, “But for the Bible, we could not know right from wrong.”  We obliterated the statement made by John Adams, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.”

America, led by the liberal-left-dominated media in alliance with radical leftist groups like the A.C.L.U., has been sold the mistaken notion that the constitution provides for the separation of church and state. No one seems to bother actually checking the United States Constitution.  If they did, they would find that nowhere in this great document is the phrase “separation of church and state” to be found. Its origin is a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a friend in Connecticut .  Armed with only an anti-religious bias and a deviously skewed version of history, the Radical Left has dedicated itself to making the lowest imaginable common moral denominator America’s only moral foundation.  In other words, if enough people behave a certain way, that behavior becomes  socially  legitimized. Sadly, no civilization in the history of the world has long survived with this moral philosophy.

We have relegated religion to a remote reservation in the hopes that there, she can live out her life peacefully in obscure, irrelevant anonymity.  Then , we will be free to continue in the directions charted only by the voracious appetite of our senses without the annoying presence of a lingering national conscience packaged in the religious principles that have guided us for five hundred years.  So powerful is this vestigial conscience that we cannot even stand to have anything around us that might bring it to mind. A crucifix in a public park? Get it out!  Someone speaking out against the sin of homosexuality? Call him a bigoted, hatemongering homophobe! Anything to shut him up!  Never mind that Moses, the dominant author of the Old Testament called homosexuality  an “abomination” and his New Testament counterpart the Apostle Paul called it “vile affections.”  God listed it side by side with murder and bestiality as a capital offense in the Old Testament.

Still, those who have refused to disavow God or exile Him from their lives will continue to sound warning of the Leftist-led charge against Christian traditional moral decency.  Now the radical leftist alliances campaigns to make “religiophobia” the only remaining politically correct form of bigotry left in America. We must never forget statement’s like the one made by their communist founder, Roger Baldwin:”I am for Socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state…..I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class…Communism is the goal.”

Agreeing with the Far Left is nothing less than signing one’s name to God’s pink slip.  Don’t be deceived; the Far Left  is the contemporary, politically correct  mask placed on the gargoyle of all that has ever been unamerican and antireligious.

About Jerry Kaifetz

Christian author, c.e.o. Omega Chemical Corp.
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