A Rebuttal to a Jewish Critic of Christianity

The Flaws of Christianity
Moshe Ben-Chaim
Rebuttal in BOLD by Jerry D. Kaifetz, Ph.D.

Many people anticipate a certain, false happiness during the holiday season. From the lights and decorated trees, to the gifts and parties that smother many in imagined “holiday cheer”. Of course, it is the media and those in search of this temporary, seasonal happiness that promote these seductive and simulated sensations. Should we allow our lives to be permeated and guided by what is popular? Are we to simply follow the crowd, without questioning our beliefs?
Our souls are at stake, and our limited time here in Earth demands that we take stock in what our actions and beliefs must be. Are we living life properly, what our Creator asks, what is truly best for ourselves? We must realize the false notions we harbor, be we Jew or Gentile. It is imperative that we all question these popular notions and not blindly coast through life, losing what could be a marvelously inspiring and enlightening existence. What a tragic loss of G-d’s gift of life to each of us, if we do not engage our intelligence, given to man and no other creature. G-d desires that we use this intelligence in the most important of all areas – our belief in Him and His plan for mankind.
I fear some Gentile and Jewish readers may become inflamed with feelings of religious persecution when reading this paper. This is not my intent. Had only the books of Christianity remained with no adherents, this paper would be equally needed. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the basic flaws of Christianity in order to benefit both Gentile and Jew, who find baseless appeal in its false notions. I hope through the analysis presented, you recognize my intent is to dispel false notions, not to mock a group of people. No gain is realized when one attacks an individual. Christianity predates all Christians alive today. Therefore, the critique presented is one of an ideology, not of individual adherents. My wish is to increase your understanding of G-d’s words, His desire is for our good, and to display what is contrary to the Torah system.
I. Essential Flaws in Christianity’s Tenets

Christianity claims G-d Spoke with Jesus
In fact, Christianity claims far more than this. Christianity claims that Jesus WAS God . It is essential that you become fully aware of the historically proven event at Mount Sinai where G-d demonstrated His existence and selected the Jews to adhere to His Torah. This event was witnessed by approximately 2.5 million people, a proof not duplicated in any other culture or religion, and recorded in Deuteronomy 4:9-15. While I do not doubt this event, the witnesses were at the base of the mountain and did not see the event for themselves . (Exodus 19:3-25) It is impossible that history contain the account at Sinai where the Jews heard an intelligent voice emanating from the fiery mount Sinai, seeing no physical source, and that such a story be accepted by the world through the present – were it false. Had Sinai never occurred, it would not be accepted back then, nor would it survive through time. Had Moses lied, and attempted to convince individuals they saw such a miracle, they would view Moses as a fraud. Imagine someone telling you that you were at an event that you didn’t attend, that there were 2.5 million others there, and that specific miracles occurred. You would view the person as bizarre, and he would have absolutely no success at convincing you or others that you witnessed that which you did not. The unanimous acceptance today of this event as history – not only accepted by Jews – confirms its truth. Concocted stories of a peoples’ history, witnessed by millions, are not unanimously accepted. Sinai occurred. G-d selected the Jews and no others, and He gave a law not ever to be altered. G-d selected the Jews through an awesome event to serve for the precise purpose of a proof. Judaism is not based on belief. No science is. Every single one of these arguments applies perfectly to the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Not only does reason deny acceptance of all other religions, but G-d’s very words attest to the fact that Judaism will be the one eternal and exclusive religion: Christianity is NOT another religion. It is the FULFILMENT of the Jewish religion. Jesus Christ met every single criteria established in the Jewish Scriptures for the Messiah without exception.
Deuteronomy, 4:33,34: “Has any people heard the voice of G-d speaking from amidst fire as you have heard, and lived? Or has G-d miraculously come to select one nation from others with miracles, signs and wonders, and with war, and a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with great awesome deeds, as all that Hashem your G-d did for you in Egypt in front of your eyes?”
Here, Moses reminds the Jewish people here of their selection. G-d selected the Jews from all other nations. This was never performed for any other nation. Christianity does not accept G-d’s selection of the Jewish nation.. Christianity denies G-d’s very words. This is blatantly untrue and offered with no support. They concoct stories of supposed miracles which Jesus performed. But any individual can suggest G-d spoke to them, or that they performed miracles. There is no way to disprove such lies. Then without evidence to the contrary, how does one call anything a lie? But be mindful, nor is there any way to prove them. All religions are based on individual testimony, as this is something others cannot disprove. It is a safe position. Not Judaism. Judaism is based on historic events witnessed by millions. This applies precisely to the truths of the New Testament, the number being in the thousands. Who, when & where were the “millions” of witnesses to any OT event?
Christianity Claims G-d became Physical
The notion of G-d becoming physical is an impossibility. He Who created all of physical existences, is the One Being not subject to those laws. G-d governs all physical matter. To suggest G-d can become physical and be subject to His own physical laws, means that He does not control the universe. A clear contradiction and impossibility. A weak and easily disprovable argument. G_d, in His omnipotence, can manifest any way He chooses. Any attempt by man to limit His overall being to that manifestation is extraordinarily shortsighted.
Christianity Claims Jesus Died for Other Peoples’ Sins
Deuteronomy, 24:16; “There will not be killed fathers for sons (sins, nor) are sons killed for father’s (sins). Each man in his own sin will be killed.”
This verse teaches that the theory of the death of Jesus on behalf of others’s sins, is contrary to G-d’s own words. G-d’s system is just, only the one who sins pays the price, not another. G-d teaches us intellectually sound ideas that are reasonable and conform with justice.

The ENTIRE Jewish Scripture is about substitutionary death and atonement, symbolized fully and for thousands of years in the ritual and SUBSTITUTIONARY sacrifice of sheep and other animals in the temple. Deu. 24:16 does not address the atonement on the sacrificial quality of the Jewish Messiah, it clearly addresses a judicial issue.

Christianity Endorses a “Blind Faith” System
Belief can be used for any idea or religion. Belief seeks no support from reality. Christianity teaches what is not real. Contrary to Christianity’s own goals, they teach that defectors, finding other religions more emotionally appealing is proper.

After over 30 complete and careful readings of the New Testament, I find not a hint of such a teaching. Scripture and verse, please!

Christianity’s tenet of “blind faith” would require them to allow Christians to follow another religion and deny Jesus, if they followed faith. How can they argue? They are not based on reason, so a system of faith other than Christianity cannot be argued as wrong. An incoherent and contradictory position. If however Christianity attempts to lodge reason to justify Christianity as the supreme religion, they thereby deny their principle of blind faith, as they have demonstrated an attempt to justify their religion via reason, and not faith.

Christianity’s heroes of the faith are enumerated by the Apostle Paul, (a Hebrew Scholar trained by Gamaliel and member of the Jewish Sanhedrin) in his Epistle to the Hebrews. Chapter 11 includes among these examples of faith for the Christian, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jepthae, David, and in in Genesis we find Abraham listed as the model of faith for the Christian and Jew. (Genesis 15:6)

Christianity Denies our Use of G-d-given Intelligence
In the most important of all areas – our belief in G-d’s word – Christianity asks us to abandon reason .WHERE? Scripture & verse, please. Sinai was orchestrated by G-d to achieve a proof of G-d’s existence and His desired system for man. No other religion can make such a historically proven claim. G-d intended man to use his reason and arrive at the correct life. He told Abraham exactly the opposite: “And he believed in the Lord; and He counted to him for righteousness.” (Gen. 15:6) Christianity asks man to violate G-d’s intent and abandon reason, living by faith. Reason and faith are not mutually exclusive. They complement each other in a beautiful way. One never has to abandon one for the other.
Not Observing G-d’s 7 Noachide Laws is a Sin Against G-d
Christianity’s laws oppose G-d’s will that all gentiles follow the 7 Noachide laws outlined in the Torah. Again, no specific examples are listed.
Religion of Love
A Rabbi once noted, the claim by Christianity to be a religion of love is an attempt to deny an underlying religion of hate. Jesus in effect murdered G-d, as Jesus’ existence replaced G-d’s existence.

This is an exraordinarily childish rendition contradicted by none other than the prophet Isaiah in describing the death of the Messiah in chapter 53. Calling their religion one of love attempted to deny Christianity’s true, hateful and aggressive ideology displayed by the Crusades, Christianity’s intolerance of other religions, and their creed of eternal damnation for those who deny Jesus. To ascribe a purely Roman Catholic endeavor as representative of all of Christianity, much less the responsibility of all Christians, is as irresponsible as it is ecclesiastically devoid of understanding. Apparently, the author thinks that the Pope speaks for all Christians. Volumes and volumes have been written about the disparity between Roman Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity, for which the entire Reformation stands as just the beginning of that testimony.

II. Christianity’s Primitive Nature and Mass Appeal
Deification of Man
Christianity appeals to many through false ideas. We already mentioned one, a guilt free existence because Jesus’ died for one’s sins. Accordingly, man’s sins can be absolved, and man takes no responsibility for his corrupt actions. This is light years from the true New Testament doctrines of Bible Christianity. The Old Testament concept of the Messiah / Redeemer perfectly illustrates the ATONEMENT for guilt, not the elimination of guilt. This is perfectly symbolized in the Passover: saved by the blood of the lamb. This is quite enticing, although baseless and false. Another primary idea is the satisfaction of the emotional need for approval from man, i.e., the man Jesus is the central focus. His humanity is not that focus, but rather His divinity as the second person of the Trinity that goes back to genesis 1 and its use of plural nouns to describe God.
Man attaches to his parents, projecting on them a supreme, authoritative status. A child seeks approval, and finds parental disappointment most devastating. Many individuals never grow out of this emotion and find this satisfaction even in adult life, by idolizing human figures and creating heroes. Christianity satisfies this need through its portrayal of Jesus as superhuman, a clear display of man deifying man, not G-d. Again, this bypasses entirely the fact that Christians ascribe divine identity to Jesus Christ, not “superhuman” status. Conversely, Judaism teaches that man is simply flesh and blood, with no powers. G-d remains as the central focus of Judaism.

Numerous laws prohibit man from seeking man’s approval and the projection of superhuman qualities onto man. In contrast to Christianity’s saints, Canonization is a ROMAN CATHOLIC practice NOT representative of anyone else.

Judaism’s prophets shun the spotlight, as seen from Elisha who himself did not approach Naaman with G-d’s instructions for healing, but Elisha sent his servant to give those instructions to cure Naaman’s leprosy. Elisha wished G-d alone to maintain responsibility for the government of man and nature. Additionally, idolatry, warlocks, enchanters, and witches to name a few, are prohibited by Judaism. Each law is an example of Judaism’s goal to extricate man from believing any power exists, aside from G-d. As Ibn Ezra and Maimonides state, all these practices are false. G-d created all matter and all laws governing them – He alone Who created these laws, controls them. Man, a creation, cannot over-power G-d. Man is the created, not the Creator.
Denial of the Sexual Drive – Holy People – Virgin Birth
As a permutation of the previous corruption, Christianity places nuns and priests on pedestals.

Again, the sad error of equating Roman Catholicism with all of Christianity. This is like asking an Eskimo why he doesn’t wear a sombrero since he is an “American” like the Mexicans.

Part of their aura is their deprivation of sex. Christianity seeks to create saints by praising those who abstain from areas in which man feels shame or guilt. Conversely, Judaism does not deny man’s powerful urges, but asks man to channel those urges to the proper partner, and only at the appropriate times and circumstances.

As does Christianity in nearly every book of the New Testament. Celibacy is rarely mentioned and then only for a very select few.

Judaism does not wish man to be steeped in desires, nor to deny his desires. Judaism directs man to the proper balance of satisfaction and abstention. Man is taught to guide his desires, not to follow them blindly. This practice redirects man’s energies towards the higher goals of pursuing wisdom and justice. Man finds true satisfaction only when he engages his true self – his intelligence. Current accounts of priests sodomizing children demonstrate Judaism’s accurate view on the need for sexual satisfaction, and the repercussions of those who deny real desires. Judaism teaches reality, Christianity teaches lies, in the most fundamental area. It may very well be that the “virgin birth” story was written to deny the sexual in connection with Jesus, from his “conception”.

Again, confusing the Catholics with Evangelical Christians. Statements like “it may very well be” ring of innuendo and slander, not scholarship or intellectual straightforwardness.

The contradiction of nuns and priests is that on the one hand, they claim their life’s work to be G-d’s will , i.e., their existence is a good. On the other hand, their abstinence does not allow new children to enter the world, who themselves could become nuns and priests. If they feel human existence is a good when one is a nun or priest, their very abstinence prevents other nuns and priests from being born and continuing their work.

This is true, and a justifiable indictment of Roman Catholicism, which the Reformation effectively addressed./strong>

Christianity Teaches Fantasy in the Most Fundamental Area – Eating of Jesus’ Body
Matthew 26:26-28 “26. Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27. And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you; 28. for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

As all Christians know from Sunday School age on up, this is intended as symbolism only, not transsubstantiation or cannibalism.

Christianity’s practice of eating a wafer symbolizing Jesus’ body, traces itself back to primitive, cultural rites. In one rite, members of a cult would drink the blood of animals, believing it to permeate them with that animal’s characteristics. When we study a man-made religion, we will undoubtedly discover evidence of man’s base, instinctual drives. Man-made religion is in truth a projection of man’s instinctual desires that are repressed – their system will reflect man’s instinctual nature. Again, Christianity succeeds at deviating completely from G-d’s will. Unlike Judaism, this practice of eating the body of Jesus has no correlation to anything true, thereby reinforcing fallacy. It further embellishes the need for attachment to the physical, yet represses natural, human desires and need. Highly misunderstood and overstated; it is pure symbolism.
Jesus’ Resurrection
Belief in immortality and fortunetellers are fabricated solutions to man’s two basic fears; 1)death, and 2)security about his own Earthly fate. With the resurrection of Jesus – his “second coming” – Christianity gives false hope not only in Jesus’ immortality, but in his followers’ as well, as they too will share in the ultimate, eternal kingdom. Resurrection also attempts to validate Christianity; The second coming alludes to Christianity’s unspoken doubt of Jesus’ validity, as his first coming was not successful.

In fact, His first coming accomplished everything prophesied by the Jewish prophets concerning the Jewish Messiah. Read Psalm 22 for a vivid description of the crucifixion or Isaiah 53 for a wonderful understanding of the Jewish messianic prophecies, each and every one perfectly fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

III. Christianity Denies G-d’s Words
False Prophets
The Torah teaches that we are not to follow a prophet who goes against G-d’s word:
Deuteronomy, 18:19, 20. “And it will be the man who does not listen to My words, but who speaks in My name, I will inquire from him. However, a prophet who sinfully speaks a matter in My name which I did not command to speak and he speaks in the name of other G-d’s, you must kill that prophet.”
Jesus spoke against G-d’s laws in G-d’s name, attempting to change what G-d said. G-d’s Torah teaches that this crime is so great, it deserves death.

Unless, of course, he spoke for God because he was the Jewish Messiah. If He was not, then who was the Messiah. Was Isaiah delusional?

Incomparability to Judaism
A further, false proof of Christianity’s claim of the supreme religion is the following: We might ask why G-d did not perform such an undeniably true event as Sinai, on behalf of Christianity. If G-d wishes something to have recognition as truth, Sinai teaches that He has the ability to create an undeniably true event, witnessed by millions. Why are all religions – including Christianity – bereft of such events? It is clear that G-d does not endorse Christianity or any religion. G-d endorsed Judaism alone, and He promised in the Torah that such a event will never be reproduced: The Old testament is as much part of the Christian Scriptures as the New Testament.
Deuteronomy, 5:19: “These matters (the Ten Commandments) G-d spoke to your entire assembly from amidst flames, cloud, and thick darkness, a great voice not to be repeated, and He wrote them on two tables of stone and gave them to me.”
G-d clearly states that such a revelation at Sinai, a selection of a people, and specifically a giving of a law, will never be repeated. Again, the giving of a law by G-d will never be repeated. These are G-d’s words and Christianity denies them with their fabrication that G-d endorsed a new system of Christianity. Christianity’s ideology is based on lies told to its followers, duping them into the belief that G-d has a new plan, even though G-d stated such a revelation will never be repeated. Christianity lies to its followers.

Christianity teaches that Law was superseded by Grace. That is exactly what the Jewish prophets taught was going to happen when the Messiah came and died for the sins of the people: Isaiah 53.

Christianity Violates G-d’s Command not to Alter G-d’s Torah
Deuteronomy, 4:2: “Do not add on to the matter which I command you, and do not detract from it, to observe the commandments of Hashem your G-d, which I command you.”
G-d teaches us not to alter the Torah, yet Christianity does so in so many areas – again denying G-d’s words. Christianity suggests that G-d “changed His mind”. This is absurd, that a Perfect Being knowledgeable of all past and future history, would create a complete and perfect Torah system at one point, which includes a law not to alter it in any way, and then contradict His own words as Christianity suggests. Did not Abraham change G_d’s mind concerning Lot’s destruction??? What about Moses changing G_d’s mind about the destruction of His people??? An example is that Christianity abrogates divorce laws.
IV. A Corrupt Philosophy and Plagiarism
Christianity Portrays Jesus Reasoning to be Unjust:

No such a conclusion is evident from this passage!
Matthew 26:6-13: 6. “Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, 7. a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat at table. 8. But when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? 9. For this ointment might have been sold for a large sum, and given to the poor.” 10. But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. 11. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. 12. In pouring this ointment on my body she has done it to prepare me for burial. 13. Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”
Jesus is on record as preferring kindness to himself over the poor. His reasoning is that he will not always be around. Therefore one must prefer to share oil with Jesus than using the monetary value of that oil to support the needy. Read the account: it was for the anointing of the Messiah before his atoning self-sacrifice

Christianity Mimics the Torah to Earn Credibility
Compare to the Torah’s words to Christianity’s plagiarism:

Christianity borrows and mirrors MUCH of the Jewish Scriptures, because they are a vital foundation for Christianity. Judaism and Christianity are inexorably linked, and forever will be. Christianity is a FULFILMENT of Judaism, not its repudiation!
The Torah says in Exodus, 4:19:
“G-d said to Moses in Midyan, go, return to Egypt, for there have died all the men that sought your life.”
The New Testament says in Matthew 2:20:
“Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”
The Torah says in Exodus 1:16:
“And (the king of Egypt) said, “when the Hebrew women give birth, and look upon the stone, if it is a son, kill him, and if it is a daughter, let it live.”
The New Testament says in Matthew 2:16:
“Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under,…”
In both statements above Christianity attempts to equate Jesus to Moses by distorting the truth and provoking the emotion of pity. Christianity continuously portrays Jesus as the victim to foster identification and more adherents. Just like Moses was threatened by Pharaoh, the story constructed in the New Testament makes Jesus the victim of King Herod. Coincidentally, the events at the time of Jesus’ birth were conveniently fabricated to mimic a similar threat, which had taken place during the time of Moses’ birth. The reader of the New Testament feels pity and compassion for Jesus in the name of plagiarism. The goal of the New Testament is to equate the statures of Jesus and Moses, which is absolutely impossible. In so many statements contained the New Testament, if read carefully, one will find authentic Torah accounts plagiarized with slight changes, replacing true Torah personalities with Jesus. This is by DESIGN!
Plagiarism is also seen clearly in the first quote; just as Moses was threatened and then afterwards informed to return as all those seeking his life are dead, the New Testament again attempts to plagiarize a known story of Moses and transpose it onto Jesus. For the very goal of engendering pity as a tool for identification with Jesus, Christianity adopted the symbol of the Cross. The Cross’ unanimous acceptance as a central icon of their religion displays how correct the developers of Christianity were that pity is a sure-fire lure to attract adherents.
A most obvious plagiarism describes the sale of Jesus by one of the 12 disciples for 30 pieces of silver. It is almost identical to the sale of Joseph by one of his 12 brothers for 20 pieces of silver in the Torah. Compare:
Genesis 37:25:
“And there passed by Midianite men, traders, and they drew him and lifted him (Joseph) out of the pit and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver and they brought Joseph to Egypt.”
Matthew 26:14-15:
“14. Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15. and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver.”
Christianity uses another statement from the Torah and distorts it in order to evoke empathy and identification with Jesus who is again being portrayed as the “victim.” Yet, the goal of Christianity is to raise Jesus to a leadership role. The downtrodden Jesus becomes a great leader as Joseph, who was sold by his brothers would eventually become a great leader. Christianity found many ways to distort the Divine Word of G-d in order to gain mass acceptance and many followers.
In summary, Christianity lies to its people, it contradicts G-d’s own words, it is a religion where reason is replaced by belief, and deceit is the means of attracting to-be proselytes. Do not feel compelled to adhere to Christianity due to its popularity, or its leaders’ reputations. Many people are drawn in by the impressive structures of churches, ancient paintings depicting Jesus, the Church’s long history, and the sense of piety associated with nun’s and priests’ garb. Do not be impressed, for previous idolaters also made great structures, wore ornate clothing, and were widespread, yet, we comprehend their false ideas – based on reason alone. Reason teaches, that which is false, cannot become true because we adorn and decorate it. King Solomon taught, “A gold ring in the snout of a pig, (so too is) a beautiful woman with a deviant personality.” (Proverbs 11:22) Radak’s last statement on Zephania, 1:8 teaches that G-d punished certain Jews who dressed in clothing more impressive than their brother Jews, only to project a false piety. External dress is frowned upon by G-d, as this has no bearing on one’s perfection, destroying social harmony in its wake. So too, we are not to be impressed by Christianity’s adornment of their clergy, nor of their beautiful structures or moving, choric hymns. What is false cannot be made true no matter how much they adorn themselves, no matter how effective they are at mimicking Judaism and no matter how much pity they evoke for their fabricated man-god.
G-d’s Torah, and reality, requires one to use his mind, seeking proof for one’s actions. Torah is built on rationale, containing proofs so man may function in accordance with intelligence, leading a life which is pleasing and reasonable. Man, being so impressed with the sensibility of the tenets of Judaism, is encouraged to derive much benefit not only in actions that are good for oneself and society, but as one engages one’s mind, one discovers new insights which offer the most satisfying life. Intelligence is the one faculty G-d gave man and no other being. G-d desires that mankind enjoy life, and use intelligence alone to study reality and perceive wisdom which affords a person the greatest existence.
Intelligent inquiry is the sole tool enabling our appreciation of all sciences, and of Judaism. G-d created sciences and Judaism to reflect His wisdom. Through our minds, we see beauty in the Torah system, we find solid proofs and reasons for G-d’s laws and ideals, we become enamored with the depth and structures of Torah laws, and we continually grow towards G-d’s goal for man – a being appreciative of, and attached to what is real and true.
G-d’s perfect Torah system applies to both gentile an Jew. There is no other G-d-given system. There is no other good for mankind.

Christianity is the fulfilment of judaism. Jesus Christ was and is the Jewish messiah. Read
Isaiah 53 and see if you can draw any other honest conclusion. I was a Jew for 35 years and when I read it, I could not deny that isaih was speaking of Jesus Christ! To quote Dr. Max Wertheimer, a Jewish scholar and Rabbi who became a Christian, “I began to sudy [Isaiah] and read . . . “I gave my back to the smiters.” Then I read . . . Thus saith Jehovah.” I asked, does God have a back? Did He give it to the smiters? Then I read he “gave His cheeks to them that pluck off the hair,” and how He hid not His face “from shame and spitting.” I asked myself, when did Jehovah have these human characteristics? In my confusion, I began to read Isaiah from the beginning. I was stopped at the 6th verse: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given…” I was suddenly faced with the doctrine of the Trinity . . . Upon that word “Echod” the entire [mopnotheistic] philosophy of Judaism is based. . . . I found to my amazement that that word was used to describe Adam and Eve , who became one. … Suddenly I was struck with the error that I had believed and proclaimed all through my miistry: Echod cannot mean absolute unity, but a composite unity!”

Thus, after months of searching, I was convinced that Jesus was the righteous servant of Jehovah, (JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU), The Lord our Righteousness. Dr. Max Wertheimer

About Jerry Kaifetz

Christian author, c.e.o. Omega Chemical Corp.
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