Feminism — Why it Cannot Really Work

The dark  raven of feminism has come home to roost.

Recently I heard a well known feminist expressing great bitterness and frustration as she came to what I can only describe as a feminist midlife crisis.  She was fast closing on fifty, single and had found herself repeatedly passed up by men for an entirely different variety of woman: those who worked in support roles for accomplished, professional executives.  This feminist referred to these women as “secretaries, personal assistants, and flight attendants.”  She could not seem to make any sense of why men would repeatedly choose these types of women (whom she interestingly viewed as intellectually inferior to herself) and pass by women who were in her view closer to being their corporate and intellectual equals.

It struck me that it would not be difficult to shed some light on this interesting paradigm of our time.  In order to do so, however, it is necessary to lay a deep foundations, going back to man’s genetic predisposition in the shrouded mist of time.

Fish and birds are streamlined to facilitate motion in their respective worlds.  Fish are white on the underside and dark on top so that they will blend in with the surface when seen from below and with the ocean floor when seen from above.

In the natural world, men and women have different roles.  Men are protectors and providers and women are nurturers.  Thus, man’s form conforms to their physical function, as is the case with women.  Men have greater upper body strength.  Women have breasts and a different hip structure.  It also follows that both are equipped emotionally in a different way and for the same kinds of reasons:  women need a different emotional makeup than do men in order to fulfill the physical job description for which they were created.  Women are thus generally more sensitive and men are generally more rational.  Is one “better” than the other?  Of course not.  The ideal blend may be when these traits all harmonize and complement each other within a committed relationship, hence the great value of marriage in society.

About forty years ago, Feminists decided that they would change  that great master plan.  At the core of their belief was the tragically misguided notion that women who expressed their nurturing and supportive component were somehow inferior to men.  Never mind this old fable about the hand that rocked the cradle; they wanted to grow the trees, harvest the timber, run the sawmill, build the cradle, and make the marketing decisions in the cradle company board room.  As a result, others had to provide them with nurturing services, for which they were happy to pay.  We will leave it to history to judge whether the generations that followed were better off in day care centers and video parlors than in a balanced, traditional home.

Now that these feminist have risen to the heights of the corporate and intellectual world, teaching their “Feminist Studies” in nearly every university, they can’t seem to understand why it is the more traditional women who are scooping up all of the eligible men.  Along with that stark realization, it has become fairly obvious that there exists a strong undercurrent of bitterness and resentment.  Fortunately, the mystery is easily solved.  We just have to take the closest man and woman and put them under the magnifying glass of unbiased, reasoned analysis, something that comes with great difficulty when you are angry.

Men are attracted to women for genetic reason that are programmed into them so deeply that they couldn’t change them if they tired.  Physical beauty, much to the dismay of the poets and romanticists, comes down to symmetry: symmetrical facial features denote health.  Health denoted survival, and with survival came a better chance of a humans passing along their genes.  Hardly the thing of which moonlights walks and candlelight dinners are made, but these are nevertheless the realities of why men are attracted to women, and vice versa.  Women shun effeminate men, as men do assertive, masculine women.

And now for the keystone that will support my theoretical arch:  Feminists take on the emotional qualities and characteristics of men, and men do not find this attractive!  Oh yes, it may be politically correct to be in touch with one’s “feminine side,” and to “not be threatened” by assertive women.  But the forces that bring a man to one knee with a diamond ring in his hand and a commitment on his mind will never be the desire to appear politically correct or driven by his “feminine side.”  He is not at that point looking for a hunting buddy, he is looking for a woman to complement (and compliment) his masculine side, not shame him into apologizing for it.

About Jerry Kaifetz

Christian author, c.e.o. Omega Chemical Corp.
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2 Responses to Feminism — Why it Cannot Really Work

  1. Guinn Sweet says:

    No offense, but it needs the fine touch of an editor…However, it is only spelling and punctuation errors…the quality of the theme and the clarity of thought is impeccable! I would like to see more,

  2. Jerry Kaifetz says:

    This is in response to the handful of raging man-hater feminists responders out there in Metrosexual Land whose vulnerability I am apparently not a good enough Christian to resist capitalizing upon. I am not going post their vomit simply because they have yet to present anything other than an ad-hominem assault against me personally. Ladies, I am far better at this than you are . . . and you are far more vulnerable . . . .

    I don’t think you will ever meet one human being in your life for whom the word “frustrations” is more misapplied than in your attempting to smear me with this label. Feminists have a deep-seated hatred of men because they have largely failed in life (mainly marriage & relationships) & need someone to blame. Have at it. I can only feel sorry for you.
    As I ride my Harley on the picturesque two lane roads of North Texas later today grinning from ear to hear as I marvel at the grace & goodness of God in my life and my unbounding blessings, perhaps the pity that I feel toward people like you may cause me to pray that God would introduce you to just a small element of peace that lives in my heart. For that, I thank you for the opportunity to be a better person by following Christ’s lofty command: “Pray for those who curse you.” That is in fact a singularly meaningful, rare & wonderful opportunity, and I thank you sincerely for it.

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